I want to use CN as a portable file manager/catalog. I'm able to put "..\filename.ext" in the link field and when I browse link, the file is executed. Thumbs up on that. (the files are located one dir level above the application)
Now, I have 500+ files. Want to hack-design a .xml with a separate note for each file and then import the .xml. I can manage most of the fields, but am confused by this:
Code: Select all
<note uid="ddbeaef0-e558-46ac-8855-d4aa486ed028"...
Can I just use any ad-hoc uid? Can I use the same, or blank, uid with all the notes? (will CN auto-detect and assign a fresh one during the import? That would make my job much much easier!)
If I have to be systematic about it, what are the rules? non-repeating hex string with 8-4-4-4-12 chars? Or can I just assign some incrementing number of my choosing?