Opening existing Topics, notes.

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Opening existing Topics, notes.

Postby Amerifax » Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:20 pm

After using CintaNotes for a satisfying period of time I have some questions.

Question 1[b]. When I opened "File" there is a list of many topics. I would prefer to see only a few that I use all the time and search using the browser for the topics, notes, I use rarely. Using the File tab to open my notes I would like to do the following if possible:
"File List"
1. ON THE "FILE" LIST, is there a way to sort the order.
2. Is there a way to control which notes appear on the "File List".

Question 2. Is there a way to keep more than one note open at a time.
Robert Snow
Bob Snow
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Re: Opening existing Topics, notes.

Postby Bill » Mon Mar 30, 2020 7:11 pm

If there are some notes I consult frequently, I put an asterisk before those note titles; that shifts them to the head of the list. Another possibility would be to just add a tag called "important" or something like that.

And yes, it's easy to keep two notes open at a time. Just double-click on the note title; then go back to the note list and double-click on another title. Arrange them on the screen as needed.
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Re: Opening existing Topics, notes.

Postby Amerifax » Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:28 pm

Thanks, Bill.
Oh yes, I use the*all the time in my folders. I guess I never thought I could use it this way.
Bob Snow
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Re: Opening existing Topics, notes.

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:28 am

Hello Amerifax,

As far as I have understood it, you're talking about the list of notebooks that appears in the "File" menu.
You can manipulate it:
- To remove an item from this list, 1) activate it 2) choose File/Close
- There's no direct reordering support, but you can change order by closing the re-opening notebook. Files opened last will appear on the top of the list.

> If there are some notes I consult frequently, I put an asterisk before those note titles; that shifts them to the head of the list

This only works if you sort notes by title. If you sort notes by date, it might help to press Alt+Enter and set the note's creation date in the future, say 2030.

There's also ability to create shortcuts to specific notes on your desktop (and this will also enable you to assign keyboard shortcuts to them).
First, activate "Options/System/Register Link Protocol" (re-run CN as admin if needed).
Then, right-click on the note and select "Copy Note Link"
Then right-click on your desktop and choose "Create /Shortcut". Paste the note link as object's location and set shortcut's label.
After shortcut is created, you can set the keyboard hotkey to activate it by editing its proprties.

Hope this helps!
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Re: Opening existing Topics, notes.

Postby Amerifax » Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:09 am

Amerifax wrote:Thanks, Bill.
Oh yes, I use the*all the time in my folders. I guess I never thought I could use it this way.

Oh yes, it does. I think this will solve 3 or 4 issues I had.
Bob Snow
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Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:52 am

Re: Opening existing Topics, notes.

Postby Bill » Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:07 pm

Glad to hear that all is well. If you have two or more notes that you want to appear at the head of the list, and you have a preference about their order, the put one asterisk at the beginning of one note title and two asterisks at the beginning of the other one.

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