I want all new notes to have the same size

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I want all new notes to have the same size

Postby OldGrantonian » Mon Apr 03, 2023 6:02 am

Specifically, I would like new notes to have the minimum height and minimum width.

How do I do that please ?

BTW: My hot keys for a new note is (Ctrl + Enter)

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Re: I want all new notes to have the same size

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:22 am


set the min and max preview text lines in "Options/Notes List" to the same number, e.g. 10
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Re: I want all new notes to have the same size

Postby OldGrantonian » Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:23 am

Thanks for response.

It looks as if my OP was badly worded. Sorry about that. Let's start again.

Here's the distinction between "Notes List" and "Note" - based on the Help file.

Meaning of "Note":
Look at the TOC on the right of the Help File. The third and fourth lines say "Taking Notes" and "Finding Notes"

Meaning of "Notes List":
This is the main CintaNotes UI. The left panel shows tags arranged alphabetically. The right panel shows a list of "Notes" matching the selected tags.

I'm satisfied with everything in the "Notes List". Good design - compared with other apps that I've tried in the past.

My issue (not major) is that currently, when I open a "Note" (a small empty window), the height and width seem to vary - possibly based on my resizing of an earlier note. Sometimes a new "Note" can take up one-third of my screen - because that was the size of the previous "Note" which I resized.

My request: Is there a method of defining the "default behaviour" of newly-opened "Notes", so that each new "Note" has a fixed size ?

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Re: I want all new notes to have the same size

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:45 pm

Ah, ok, I see now what you mean.
Basicaly CN remembers the note editor's size and position. However when you open a second editor window, it has its own size and position remembered.

So, try opening multiple note editor windows at once, adjust their size and close them. After that all note editors that you open will have this fixed size.

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