Position of Tag Display

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Position of Tag Display

Postby Noddy330 » Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:49 am

How about displaying the tags in the title, immedately before the date? e.g.
Title [tag1] 04/02/2009 09:37
Title [tag1 tag2] 04/02/2009 09:37
That woudl save a line in the display when the length of the title and tags permitted. Otherwise use 2 lines in the title. Eg
Title 04/02/2009 09:37
[tag1 tag2 tag3 tag4 tag5 tag6 tag7]
I'm using M6.2.
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Re: Position of Tag Display

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:54 am

Hi Noddy 330,

thanks for the suggestion! I think this is a really nice idea. The only problem that I see here is that
the tags position is not fixed: the user can't develop a habit of looking just below the header to find the tags.
I think the best way would be to make this an option. It also would be very handy when it comes to collapsing notes to just one line (which is also a planned feature).

Thank you again and please don't hesitate to post more ideas)

Re: Position of Tag Display

Postby Guest » Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:37 am

I am using CintaNotes M6.3. I think the tags should be put at the end of the note in smaller letters, keeping it -as happens now- in a different font color. Tags are used to select the notes you want to see, but once the choice has been made, they are no more relevant, and as they are put now they disturb the note reading.
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Re: Position of Tag Display

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:48 pm

Guest wrote:I am using CintaNotes M6.3. I think the tags should be put at the end of the note in smaller letters, keeping it -as happens now- in a different font color. Tags are used to select the notes you want to see, but once the choice has been made, they are no more relevant, and as they are put now they disturb the note reading.

Hello and thanks for this comment.
The fact is, I know a lot of instances where tags are put right after the header, and there will be people which are more comfortable this way. I guess I'll make this configurable, so that everyone will be able to use his or her favorite layout.

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