[Clipboard] Some keyboard shortcut and hotkey suggestions

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[Clipboard] Some keyboard shortcut and hotkey suggestions

Postby edNadie » Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:39 am

Text navigation: (Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End)
With the editor open, ctrl-up always moves the cursor to the title field and ctrl-down always goes to tag field. These hotkeys work in the text body or title, tag, or link fields -- and are very helpful. In a similar fashion, I propose that ctrl-home and ctrl-end be made to always go to the beginning or end of the text body, even if the cursor is in one of the three single-line fields. Nothing would be lost; and it would be easier to move around the text field without finding oneself stuck in the title or tag field -- which I often do when I'm trying to add a comment to a pre-existing note. Something else to consider is the best starting position for the cursor when re-opening a note. But having these hotkeys would make that less important.

Two clip hotkeys:
I like the ability to set the editor to open or not after clipping -- but as often as not, I don't know in advance which I want to use -- so I propose having two system-wide clip hotkeys. One would open the editor after clipping, and one would clip in the background.

Quick-view: (Ctrl+Up/Down)
Currently the up and down arrows scroll through a list of notes, and right and left arrows scroll line by line through the text of an individual note. How about adding ctrl-left and ctrl-right to jump the number of lines set in 'Preview Text Lines, Max'? This simple addition might satisfy those who want some sort of non-editor preview.

Quick-minimize: (Shift+Enter)
When using the editor, I would very much like a quick way to save changes and minimize to the tray in one blow, using either shift-enter or alt-enter as a hotkey. That would be more convenient/elegant than hitting the escape key a variable number of times. Or ctrl-enter, then one or two escapes. Or using the 'Activate CintaNotes window' hotkey which minimizes without closing an open editor (which takes two inputs and leaves the focus buried under the editor). Update: I think the case for a quick minimize hotkey is increased by the new multiple windows feature in CintaNotes_1_2P1.

Escape key:
It's misunderstood. And far away from home-position on the keyboard. When I want to minimize quickly, I don't understand why ESC first goes to All notes view. If there needs to be keyboard navigation to All notes, maybe there could be a separate hotkey, and let ESC specialize in close/minimize... and clearing fields. I also find ESC convenient for clearing the search field, and personally would like it to also clear the title, tag, and link fields. There's no quick way to clear those fields now. Ctrl-enter works fine to 'accept changes' and close the editor. And ctrl-z refills a field that is accidentally cleared, so I don't think there needs to be much concern about lost information.
Last edited by Midas on Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Some keyboard shortcut and hotkey suggestions

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:07 pm

Hi edNadie,

sorry for replying so late.

Text navigation: (Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End)
With the editor open, ctrl-up always moves the cursor to the title field and ctrl-down always goes to tag field. These hotkeys work in the text body or title, tag, or link fields -- and are very helpful. In a similar fashion, I propose that ctrl-home and ctrl-end be made to always go to the beginning or end of the text body, even if the cursor is in one of the three single-line fields. Nothing would be lost; and it would be easier to move around the text field without finding oneself stuck in the title or tag field -- which I often do when I'm trying to add a comment to a pre-existing note. Something else to consider is the best starting position for the cursor when re-opening a note. But having these hotkeys would make that less important.

I agree that this would be a very useful usability touch. Added to the roadmap:
http://cintanotes.userecho.com/feedback ... he-editor/

Two clip hotkeys:
I like the ability to set the editor to open or not after clipping -- but as often as not, I don't know in advance which I want to use -- so I propose having two system-wide clip hotkeys. One would open the editor after clipping, and one would clip in the background.

Very nice idea. I would extend this to "multiple clipping hotkeys".
Added to the roadmap:
http://cintanotes.userecho.com/feedback ... g-hotkeys/

Quick-view: (Ctrl+Up/Down)
Currently the up and down arrows scroll through a list of notes, and right and left arrows scroll line by line through the text of an individual note. How about adding ctrl-left and ctrl-right to jump the number of lines set in 'Preview Text Lines, Max'? This simple addition might satisfy those who want some sort of non-editor preview.

I like this idea very much! Added to the roadmap: http://cintanotes.userecho.com/feedback ... e-preview/

Quick-minimize: (Shift+Enter)
When using the editor, I would very much like a quick way to save changes and minimize to the tray in one blow, using either shift-enter or alt-enter as a hotkey. That would be more convenient/elegant than hitting the escape key a variable number of times. Or ctrl-enter, then one or two escapes. Or using the 'Activate CintaNotes window' hotkey which minimizes without closing an open editor (which takes two inputs and leaves the focus buried under the editor). Update: I think the case for a quick minimize hotkey is increased by the new multiple windows feature in CintaNotes_1_2P1.

I guess if I make main window to close all open editor windows and minimize on Ctrl+Enter it would be solved, right?
You would have just to press Ctrl+Enter twice.
Added to the roadmap: http://cintanotes.userecho.com/feedback ... -minimize/

Escape key:
It's misunderstood. And far away from home-position on the keyboard. When I want to minimize quickly, I don't understand why ESC first goes to All notes view. If there needs to be keyboard navigation to All notes, maybe there could be a separate hotkey, and let ESC specialize in close/minimize... and clearing fields. I also find ESC convenient for clearing the search field, and personally would like it to also clear the title, tag, and link fields. There's no quick way to clear those fields now. Ctrl-enter works fine to 'accept changes' and close the editor. And ctrl-z refills a field that is accidentally cleared, so I don't think there needs to be much concern about lost information.

As I see it here there are 2 suggestions:
1) ESC shouldn't clear the tag sidebar filter, but should minimize if search field is empty;
2) We need a key to quickly clear title/tag/link fields.
Do I understand correctly?
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Re: Some keyboard shortcut and hotkey suggestions

Postby Brian » Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:38 pm

CintaNotes Developer:

Two clip hotkeys:
I like the ability to set the editor to open or not after clipping -- but as often as not, I don't know in advance which I want to use -- so I propose having two system-wide clip hotkeys. One would open the editor after clipping, and one would clip in the background.

Very nice idea. I would extend this to "multiple clipping hotkeys".
Added to the roadmap:
http://cintanotes.userecho.com/feedback ... g-hotkeys/

I second this suggestion.

Further to it... when Tabbed note categories is implemented I think that each category should be able to be assigned its own hotkey so that you can clip to different categories automatically.

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Re: Some keyboard shortcut and hotkey suggestions

Postby Midas » Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:24 am

As I have stated before and notwithstanding all the great suggestions here and elsewhere, my support goes to making the shortcuts user configurable either via the interface or via editable INI file -- the rationale being that the growing number of keyboard shortcuts is bound to collide with those pre-assigned on someone's system...
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