[Editing] Further batch routines - Editing multiple notes in one go

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[Editing] Further batch routines - Editing multiple notes in one go

Postby Bugatzki » Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:47 pm

Maybe the most oustanding feature of Cintanotes is its incredible fastness,
but editing multiple notes in one go is still very inconvenient and, in my humble opinion, its biggest downside.

Generally I am missing further "Bulk Actions" or "Batch Routines", for example to

• Add / Replace / Remove: Links, remarks, attachments, (parts of) titles, (parts of) text
• Save attachments
• Edit properties (dates)
• Clear formatting

For some cases there might be a workaround by using Export/Import, but that's no fast editing.
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Re: [Editing] Further batch routines - Editing multiple notes in one go

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Wed Feb 13, 2019 12:15 pm


Thanks a lot for the suggestion! It looks seriously useful.
There's already https://roadmap.cintanotes.com/communit ... es-in-view
that has 33 votes. I guess this is what you want, provided we add ability to specify which note fields should be affected.

For other batch commands, I added https://roadmap.cintanotes.com/communit ... on-support

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