Title: Long notes open with scrollbar always 60% down the note

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Title: Long notes open with scrollbar always 60% down the note

Postby OldGrantonian » Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:27 pm

I have one note which currently has 897 words according to one of the wordcount sites.

I add to or edit that note a dozen times per day. To avoid accidental loss of info, I close the note after each edit.

BTW: Text is added to top of note - not the foot.

Each time i open the note, the scrollbar is slightly more than half-way down the note. So I'm forced to scroll to the top of the note to add/edit.

The scrollbar seems to remember that saved position.

The bug is the same for short notes. But it doesn't matter. The full text is always visible.

I forced a new long note by copying the text to Notepad, creating a NEW empty note, then copying back the text to that empty note.

Now all is fine. But surely there must be a bug in CintaNotes related to the saved scrollbar position.

I tested the Notepad file by scrolling to the foot of the file, adding some fake text, saving, and closing.

When I re-opened the Notepad file, the scrollbar was at top of page.

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Re: Title: Long notes open with scrollbar always 60% down the note

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Sat Dec 17, 2022 4:30 pm

Hi and sorry for the delay!

Thanks for the report. The bug should be fixed automatically in the 4.0 version. However it is still a bit of a wait, sorry

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