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bullet list stops on paste

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:56 pm
by Thomas Lohrum
* aaaaaaaa
* bbbbbbbb
* dddddddd

Set the caret to pos 1 of line 'ddddddd' and paste a line from the clipboard. The bullet list stops. The result looks like this:
* aaaaaaaa
* bbbbbbbb
* dddddddd

It should look like this:
* aaaaaaaa
* bbbbbbbb
* ccccccc
* dddddddd


Re: bullet list stops on paste

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:11 am
by CintaNotes Developer
I confirm, thanks.
Will try to fix in 2.0.2, but there's change it will have to wait till the next version.