Hello, search for questions, searched keywords, can't be highlighted

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Hello, search for questions, searched keywords, can't be highlighted

Postby weibo » Wed Apr 03, 2019 2:08 am

As a result of the search, English words can be highlighted and normal.

However, Chinese characters cannot be normal in some cases.

Screenshot below:

snipaste_20190403_101858.png (49 KiB) Viewed 34950 times

snipaste_20190403_101937.png (49.56 KiB) Viewed 34950 times
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Re: Hello, search for questions, searched keywords, can't be highlighted

Postby weibo » Wed Apr 03, 2019 5:26 am

windows 10 version

cintanotes 3.13 version
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Re: Hello, search for questions, searched keywords, can't be highlighted

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:02 am

Hello! thanks for the report!
Could you please send me to support@ this note, in XML form? Thanks!
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Re: Hello, search for questions, searched keywords, can't be highlighted

Postby weibo » Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:09 am

CintaNotes Developer wrote:Hello! thanks for the report!
Could you please send me to support@ this note, in XML form? Thanks!

Sorry, I didn't understand too much.

I guess it may be necessary to copy the text on the map here and provide it to you for testing.

The following is:

《纽约时报》对苹果的捆绑定价尤其不满,称这将出版商置于“用户被蚕食”的风险之中,且只能带来极少的经济收益。上周,《纽约时报》首席执行官马克·汤普森(Mark Thompson)警告称,不要通过第三方服务发布内容。


不过,有些媒体,比如《纽约客》,正试图通过只在Apple News+上提供部分内容来平衡这种担忧,他们更希望通过独立平台购买的完整订阅提供全部内容的访问权限。《华尔街日报》也采取了类似的策略,为Apple News+用户提供了所有商业和金融新闻的访问权限,用户可以在应用中搜索到这些新闻,同时还可以浏览不分精选的政治新闻和体育新闻。
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Re: Hello, search for questions, searched keywords, can't be highlighted

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:40 am

Yes, this is what I needed. Thank you
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Re: Hello, search for questions, searched keywords, can't be highlighted

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:42 am

Found the reason. CN can't determine word boundaries in Chinese. Turn on "search inside words" and highlights will appear
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Re: Hello, search for questions, searched keywords, can't be highlighted

Postby weibo » Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:09 am

CintaNotes Developer wrote:Found the reason. CN can't determine word boundaries in Chinese. Turn on "search inside words" and highlights will appear

Great, solved, thank you!

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