[Search]Seach with boolean operators

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[Search]Seach with boolean operators

Postby altaiir » Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:43 am

Awesome author, I strongly suggest that Cintanotes should take advantage of the below feature of everything. with this, i think Cintanotes will get a great improvement!!!
How do I use boolean operators?
AND is the default boolean operator.
For example, here is how to search for foo and bar: foo bar
To search for either of two search terms, add a | between the terms.
For example, here is how to search for .jpg or .bmp: .jpg | .bmp
To exclude something from the search include a ! at the front of the term.
For example, here is how to search for abc and not 123: abc !123
How do I use wildcards?
Using a * in your search will match any number of any type of character.
For example, here is how to search for files and folders that start with e and end with g: e*g
Using a ? in your search will match one character.
For example, here is how to search for files that have a 2 letter file extension: *.??

Best regards!
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Re: [Search]Seach with boolean operators

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:47 am

Thanks for your suggestion.
Actually this is already partly imlpemented in version 1.0.
First, make sure that "Exact Search" option in the search menu (click on the magnifying glass) is turned OFF.
Then you can search using the boolean operators.
This is how it works:
  • 'word1 word2' matches all notes that contain both words in any order;
  • '-word1' matches all notes that don't contain word1;
  • 'word1 -word2' matches notes that have word1 but not have word2;
  • 'word1 word2|word3' matches notes that have word1 and have either word2 or word3
  • different combinations of the above also work.
  • It works only for note title and text.
  • '|' (OR operator) binds tighter than ' ' (AND operator).
  • Search result highlighting is not yet on par with this functionality.

As for the wildcards, they are on the roadmap and will be implemented in one of the next versions.
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Re: [Search]Seach with boolean operators

Postby altaiir » Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:37 am

that's cool..I'm looking forward to the next ver. :P
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Re: [Search]Seach with boolean operators

Postby Midas » Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:32 am


As a specialized search resource, you might want to give future consideration to proximity operators like "apples &3 oranges" for finding term 'apples' within three words of distance from term 'oranges'...

Just a though.
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Re: [Search]Seach with boolean operators

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:32 pm

Yes, it is not very hard to do. But I don't think many people will use this all too often.
But maybe I have this impression while I myself don't use this operator.
Another possibility would be to include this in the commercial version.
I think we should start a new topic devoted to this NEAR operator, and see how the poll goes.

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