[Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

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[Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:35 am

Hi all,
Hope you've had a great summer!

Now it's finally time to start testing the major new release of CN with file and image attachments!

If you remember, in May we released an early "alpha" of this functionality, but were hit by the fact
that Simplenote didn't make it possible to sync files. Well, now we finally solved this problem
by utilizing our own server for syncing attachments.

On your part, you don't have to do anything: everything is handled by CN automatically. No extra server
credentials (Simplenote credentials are used).

For now, we have to limit server space usage with 100MB of compressed files per one sync account.
This limitation will probably stay, since CintaNotes is not intended for managing large files.
(If you need to handle large files, use links to files stored in Dropbox or similar services.)
All files are compressed and encrypted with your own Simplenote password.

Here are the details:

  • File and image attachments in notes.
  • Tracking of attachment viewing and editing: temp files are automatically removed, warning upon opening attachments from encrypted notebooks.
  • Synchronization of attachments (100MB limit)
    Added used server space indicator to the File/Synchronization window.

  • Editor: links to files in note text didn't always open
  • Wrong tag counts after batch tagging
  • Simplenote sync: fix possible creation of note duplicates

Installable: CintaNotes_2_9_5_Beta1_Setup.exe
Portable: CintaNotes_2_9_5_Beta1.zip

Since this is an early beta, USE ONLY FOR TESTING. DON'T USE ON YOUR NOTES!
We don't guarantee that uploaded files will be preserved!
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby usbpoweredfridge » Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:35 pm

Hi Alex,

The .exe download link is broken - it just leads to 'page not found' (the portable download link is fine).


Edit: In the meantime, I like how the database automatically recovers lost space when you remove a large attachment (eg add 20MB video file to note, and then remove it again). I was going to ask for a manual 'compact database' option, but there is no need now :)
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby date » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:44 pm

When I attach a .lnk file which points to a file that doesn't exist with the paperclip I get this:
class std::ios_base::failure
ios_base::failbit set
However when I drag&drop the file to the note it works fine. Not so when the file the .lnk shortcut file exists: then the file the shortcut points to gets added.

I don't know why anyone would want to add shortcut files to his notes, but I just happened to notice coincidentally ..

A file with an extension that isn't associated with some program to open it with don't switch to 'open with...' automatically.

Searching for the 6th filename doesn't scroll the filelist like it does when you search for something that isn't in the first lines of the note.

When the first file attached is a long enough filename, hover the mouse over the paperclip, there is a hint text that says something like 'Attach file ([notedit.attach.key])' which appears over the file. Then move the mouse away and the file name appears like in this screenshot.

Aside from those minor things that maybe are not important at all everything else I tried worked perfectly fine... as if it has been possible to attach files in CN for a long time already.
Screenshot 2015-09-01 00.27.20.png
Screenshot 2015-09-01 00.27.20.png (12.69 KiB) Viewed 29029 times
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:46 am

Hi Chris,
Thanks a lot for taking a look at this beta!
usbpoweredfridge wrote:The .exe download link is broken - it just leads to 'page not found' (the portable download link is fine).

Fixed, thanks!

Edit: In the meantime, I like how the database automatically recovers lost space when you remove a large attachment (eg add 20MB video file to note, and then remove it again). I was going to ask for a manual 'compact database' option, but there is no need now :)

Yes indeed, removing the attachment executes the VACUUM command, which compacts all database pages, including the ones used for notes :)
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:01 am

Hi date,
Thanks for taking the time to try out the beta!

date wrote:When I attach a .lnk file which points to a file that doesn't exist with the paperclip I get this:
class std::ios_base::failure
ios_base::failbit set

Hmm, I can't get this, I get the error message from the system that the file doesn't exist.
At which point do you delete the link target file?

However when I drag&drop the file to the note it works fine. Not so when the file the .lnk shortcut file exists: then the file the shortcut points to gets added.

Good catch, thanks! I'm not even sure what to consider this - a bug or a feature? ;) What do you think?

A file with an extension that isn't associated with some program to open it with don't switch to 'open with...' automatically.

That should be fixed, thanks!

Searching for the 6th filename doesn't scroll the filelist like it does when you search for something that isn't in the first lines of the note.

Yes, it doesn't at the moment. But it hightlights the ellipsis though. We'll fix this in later versions.

When the first file attached is a long enough filename, hover the mouse over the paperclip, there is a hint text that says something like 'Attach file ([notedit.attach.key])' which appears over the file. Then move the mouse away and the file name appears like in this screenshot.

The "noteedit.attach.key" is a minor bug which we'll fix, thanks.
However I couldn't get the painting bug. Could you please give some more details how to reproduce it?

Aside from those minor things that maybe are not important at all everything else I tried worked perfectly fine... as if it has been possible to attach files in CN for a long time already.

Great to hear, thanks!
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby usbpoweredfridge » Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:03 am

CintaNotes Developer wrote:Hmm, I can't get this, I get the error message from the system that the file doesn't exist.
At which point do you delete the link target file?!

I just tried this on my system. I created a shortcut - on my desktop - to a .txt file on my C drive. I then deleted the .txt file. I opened CN, opened a note and clicked the paperclip icon. I then navigated to the desktop and selected the shortcut, then clicked Open. The error message I got was this one:

HCF1.txt was the name of the .txt file I created the shortcut to.

date wrote:However when I drag&drop the file to the note it works fine. Not so when the file the .lnk shortcut file exists: then the file the shortcut points to gets added.

Hm, I wonder if I am doing this wrong - in both cases, when I drag and drop, CN only adds the .lnk file, not the actual file that the .lnk points to. Obviously for the case where the file being pointed to does not exist, this makes sense - but in the other case (where the file being pointed to does still exist), on date's system it appears CN adds the actual file itself, rather than the .lnk as it does on mine. Wonder why my system acts differently?


Edit: When I double click the missing file shortcut in the CN note, half the time nothing happens. The other half, I get a message saying that the attachment has been changed on disk, and do I want to update it. I think this needs to be more consistent for better user experience - double clicking will always either i. Do nothing, or ii. Produce that update message. Ideally, I think a message saying the original file no longer exists would be better, but I'm guessing CN handles this via the standard Windows shortcut functions, and I bet that Windows itself does not report that the original file is missing, meaning this would not be possible.
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:10 am

usbpoweredfridge wrote:I just tried this on my system. I created a shortcut - on my desktop - to a .txt file on my C drive. I then deleted the .txt file. I opened CN, opened a note and clicked the paperclip icon. I then navigated to the desktop and selected the shortcut, then clicked Open. The error message I got was this one:

Yes, I'm getting the same message.

date wrote:Hm, I wonder if I am doing this wrong - in both cases, when I drag and drop, CN only adds the .lnk file, not the actual file that the .lnk points to. Obviously for the case where the file being pointed to does not exist, this makes sense - but in the other case (where the file being pointed to does still exist), on date's system it appears CN adds the actual file itself, rather than the .lnk as it does on mine. Wonder why my system acts differently?

My system behaves like date's, after drag and drop it adds the target file, not the lnk file.
I'd argue that there's little reason to add the lnk file, since it would be easier to just insert a link to the file into the note.

Edit: When I double click the missing file shortcut in the CN note, half the time nothing happens. The other half, I get a message saying that the attachment has been changed on disk, and do I want to update it. I think this needs to be more consistent for better user experience - double clicking will always either i. Do nothing, or ii. Produce that update message. Ideally, I think a message saying the original file no longer exists would be better, but I'm guessing CN handles this via the standard Windows shortcut functions, and I bet that Windows itself does not report that the original file is missing, meaning this would not be possible.

I guess if CN wouldn't allow to add lnk files as attachments, this all would be a non-issue, wouldn't it?
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby usbpoweredfridge » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:39 am

CintaNotes Developer wrote:I'd argue that there's little reason to add the lnk file, since it would be easier to just insert a link to the file into the note.

Yeah, I do agree that adding lnk files - regardless of whether the target file still exists or not - does not really make any sense.

CintaNotes Developer wrote:I guess if CN wouldn't allow to add lnk files as attachments, this all would be a non-issue, wouldn't it?

Yes, it all would be a non-issue then.

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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby usbpoweredfridge » Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:50 am

Only minor issue I have found with the attachments so far is a visual one. By default, when you open a note with attachments, the attachments pane takes up about half of the edit window. That is too much for my liking, so I resized the edit window wider, so I could see more of the text without wrapping. That worked ok, CN saved the edit window size (both when I exited the note, and when I restarted CN). I then resized the edit window back down to roughly the size it was initially, and then - rather than making the edit window bigger - I made the attachment pane smaller. However, when I exited the note and went back into it, the attachment pane had not saved the size I changed it to.

It would be nice if the attachment pane saved its size when you changed it, rather than resetting back to the default 50% each time.

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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby date » Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:53 pm

CintaNotes Developer wrote:Hmm, I can't get this, I get the error message from the system that the file doesn't exist.
At which point do you delete the link target file?

I just added a bunch of files coincidentally including a .lnk file. I didn't expect that CN would add the target file instead of the .lnk file, but I guess it's a 'limitation' or 'feature' of the Windows 'Open...' dialog. Adding a .ttf file from the Windows/Fonts directory would open the font instead of adding it to the note. But _dragging_ those font files to the note (no Open... dialog involved) would properly add them. (Found out by chance!!! really! :-p)
So it's not about .lnk files more about the difference between drag&drop and the Open dialog. (And not that important I agree.)
When the first file attached is a long enough filename, hover the mouse over the paperclip, there is a hint text that says something like 'Attach file ([notedit.attach.key])' which appears over the file. Then move the mouse away and the file name appears like in this screenshot.

The "noteedit.attach.key" is a minor bug which we'll fix, thanks.
However I couldn't get the painting bug. Could you please give some more details how to reproduce it?

I wasn't reffering to the popup-text itself, but to the fact that it appears over the filename. I also found out it doesn't apply to Windows 8, only XP and 7. I tried on W7 home premium which has the Aero theme, and this time it apparently has nothing to do with Classic View or not.
Just move the Note window to the right of the screen, maybe make the filelist-box a little smaller, and hover over the paperclip or the files so that the yellow-green pop-up appears over the filename below. It fixes itself when you click somewhere.

Something else: I resumed my computer from standby, and was prompted for a Cintanotes password; I clicked cancel (I wanted to close the beta version) and there were some error messages. I had this more than one time, but when I wanted to take a look at it I couldn't reproduce at first. I found out how to trigger those errors eventually, but --> I'm sure I didn't take those complicated steps the first time<--. Heres how:
1) Open a password-protected notebook, and a note from it.
2) Minimize CN but not the note.
3) Standby your computer, just locking your computer or wait 5 minutes would work too I think.
4) Resume computer, edit something in the note, and save.
5) Don't enter a password, you will get:
class app::dialogs::PasswordEnterCancelledException
6) Open CN with a leftclick from the systray, you will get:
class err::InvalidStateException ui::Window::getHwnd class ui::Window const*:Cinta.ModelessDialog,
7) Right-click CN and close, you will get:
class err::InvalidStateException ui::Window:getHwnd class ui::Window const *:Cinta.RichEdit,RichEdit20W
Runtime Error!
Program: C:/Dokumente und Ei...
- pure virtual function call
(And if Dr. Watson or something is installed you would get a crash log.)

Tried on XP, 7 and 8. I added a CN log file hope it is useful!
(93.58 KiB) Downloaded 518 times
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:58 am

usbpoweredfridge wrote:Only minor issue I have found with the attachments so far is a visual one. By default, when you open a note with attachments, the attachments pane takes up about half of the edit window. That is too much for my liking, so I resized the edit window wider, so I could see more of the text without wrapping. That worked ok, CN saved the edit window size (both when I exited the note, and when I restarted CN). I then resized the edit window back down to roughly the size it was initially, and then - rather than making the edit window bigger - I made the attachment pane smaller. However, when I exited the note and went back into it, the attachment pane had not saved the size I changed it to.
It would be nice if the attachment pane saved its size when you changed it, rather than resetting back to the default 50% each time.

I agree, saving attachment pane size would indeed make sense. Now it is fixed to 250px (not actually 50%).
I've added this to our todo list, thanks.
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:55 am

date wrote:I just added a bunch of files coincidentally including a .lnk file. I didn't expect that CN would add the target file instead of the .lnk file, but I guess it's a 'limitation' or 'feature' of the Windows 'Open...' dialog.

Now I could get that "ios_base" error, the trick was so select multiple files!
We'll fix CN so that it always adds the link targets, and displays an error message if those targets don't exist.

Adding a .ttf file from the Windows/Fonts directory would open the font instead of adding it to the note. But _dragging_ those font files to the note (no Open... dialog involved) would properly add them. (Found out by chance!!! really! :-p)
So it's not about .lnk files more about the difference between drag&drop and the Open dialog. (And not that important I agree.)

I couldn't repeat this on Windows 8.1, the Fonts directory is locked even when I run CN as admin.
Will need to try on Windows 7.

I wasn't reffering to the popup-text itself, but to the fact that it appears over the filename. I also found out it doesn't apply to Windows 8, only XP and 7. I tried on W7 home premium which has the Aero theme, and this time it apparently has nothing to do with Classic View or not.
Just move the Note window to the right of the screen, maybe make the filelist-box a little smaller, and hover over the paperclip or the files so that the yellow-green pop-up appears over the filename below. It fixes itself when you click somewhere.

Wait, on your screenshot there's a clear painting bug for the "shakking.." file, is this the way to get it?

Something else: I resumed my computer from standby, and was prompted for a Cintanotes password; I clicked cancel (I wanted to close the beta version) and there were some error messages. I had this more than one time, but when I wanted to take a look at it I couldn't reproduce at first. I found out how to trigger those errors eventually, but --> I'm sure I didn't take those complicated steps the first time<--. Heres how:

Thanks a lot, I could reproduce this problem. Will be fixed in 2.9.5 final.
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby date » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:28 am

CintaNotes Developer wrote:I couldn't repeat this on Windows 8.1, the Fonts directory is locked even when I run CN as admin.
Will need to try on Windows 7.
As with .lnk files the issue is only with the 'Open...' dialog. I'm not sure treating specific filetypes different is worth your time, to me it now seems just a Windows-thing not a CN-thing.

Wait, on your screenshot there's a clear painting bug for the "shakking.." file, is this the way to get it?

Yes, try on Win 7, Aero or not doesn't matter. There is a pop-up or hint text that appears when you hover the paperclip (saying 'attach... ...'), or when you hover a file with a longer name (saying the full file name.) Depending on the room on the screen, the pop-up will appear over the filename below. When you move the mouse up, the file icon and name will be redrawn in a second place.
To increase the odds move the note window to the right of the screen and make the filelist-box small enough that you can read the filename only a few characters. If you're lucky you can get a whole double-vision-looking row.
Alt-Tab or clicking fixes it.
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:49 pm

Hi date,
sorry for the delayed reply!

date wrote:As with .lnk files the issue is only with the 'Open...' dialog. I'm not sure treating specific filetypes different is worth your time, to me it now seems just a Windows-thing not a CN-thing.

Ok, I see.

Yes, try on Win 7, Aero or not doesn't matter. There is a pop-up or hint text that appears when you hover the paperclip (saying 'attach... ...'), or when you hover a file with a longer name (saying the full file name.) Depending on the room on the screen, the pop-up will appear over the filename below. When you move the mouse up, the file icon and name will be redrawn in a second place.
To increase the odds move the note window to the right of the screen and make the filelist-box small enough that you can read the filename only a few characters. If you're lucky you can get a whole double-vision-looking row.
Alt-Tab or clicking fixes it.

Sorry, still can't reproduce this. You'll probably need to give me detailed step description. Do you resize the file pane in the process, or just hover and move the mouse?
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby usbpoweredfridge » Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:17 pm

CintaNotes Developer wrote:Sorry, still can't reproduce this. You'll probably need to give me detailed step description. Do you resize the file pane in the process, or just hover and move the mouse?

Yes, I tried to reproduce it also (Win 7) - but was unable to. It seems to me that the trick is being able to have the tooltip for both the paperclip and the filename display at the same time so they can overlap - whenever I move my mouse away from either the paperclip or the filename, the tooltips disappears, so I can't get them to both stay on screen at the same time.

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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby date » Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:16 pm

usbpoweredfridge wrote:
CintaNotes Developer wrote:Sorry, still can't reproduce this. You'll probably need to give me detailed step description. Do you resize the file pane in the process, or just hover and move the mouse?

Yes, I tried to reproduce it also (Win 7) - but was unable to. It seems to me that the trick is being able to have the tooltip for both the paperclip and the filename display at the same time so they can overlap - whenever I move my mouse away from either the paperclip or the filename, the tooltips disappears, so I can't get them to both stay on screen at the same time.


Theres no trick involved... it was the first thing i noticed about the attachment pane.
You just need to make sure the tooltip appears over the filename below, which comes more naturally on a low screen resolution or when the window is on the right of the screen (so left is the only room the tooltip has to appear.)
See: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e0za4zaa0dfjb ... 9.mkv?dl=0
Hope this clarifies!

One more thing: when the focus is on the attachment pane, it doesn't move to the tag resp. note field using the arrow keys or pageup/pagedown, when the file selected is the first or/and last one. Tab and Shift-Tab still work though.
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby usbpoweredfridge » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:26 am

date wrote:You just need to make sure the tooltip appears over the filename below, which comes more naturally on a low screen resolution or when the window is on the right of the screen (so left is the only room the tooltip has to appear.)

Strange - I had dragged the window to the right hand side of the screen, and the tooltips just pushed themselves back to the left naturally, as every Windows program normally does, and there was just nothing wrong. Anyway, Hopefully Alex can think of a reason why this might occur!

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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby date » Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:56 pm

Apparently the repaint-thing is a driver-related thing. I tried on yet another computer and noticed the tooltip issue wasn't there, so I plugged this harddrive in my main computer. The repaint-thing was there again, but because of the alien harddrive Windows 7 needed to install some drivers appropriate for this machine. And then, after a reboot, the 'repaint-thing' was gone again.
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.9.5 Beta 1

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:19 am

Thanks for the further investigation, guys!
If this is indeed a driver-related thing, then we'll have hard time debugging this.
I suggest we put this issue on ice for the time being, at least till another report of the same bug comes in.

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