Option to not include currently select tag with new note

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Option to not include currently select tag with new note

Postby orsonk » Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:12 pm

[taking] and [clipping]
When I am in a section of Cinta and have selected a certain tag, I like that pressing Insert gives me a brand-new note with THAT tag. But I wish when I use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+F12 to create a new note from another application, I would not automatically get my last-selected tag assigned. Usually such a note is NOT intended to have that tag. I'd rather have no tags assigned, which I believe is the default when you use Ctrl+F12 to copy some text into a new note.
Having the option to never have the last-selected tag applied when I use Shift+Ctrl+F12 would simplify things for me, save time, prevent confusion.

Thanks for considering.


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