Unwanted initial space at start of some paragraphs

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Unwanted initial space at start of some paragraphs

Postby OldGrantonian » Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:29 am

I don't use the CN bullets, because many of my notes are simply drafts for copying to forums (such as this forum), or emails, or desktop WhatsApp, etc. Each of these sites seems to have different ways of producing bullets. So, I simply leave the dashes as they are. Actually, some sites immediately convert the dashes to bullets, so that's win-win.

I create bullets by simply typing "space, dash, space", then the first character of text.

Issue: when I press Return, CN inserts a space at the start of the new line (which of course is a new paragraph). The initial space is persistent forever. To prove it (at least in my CN), type the following example, then press Return:

- Example [now press Return]
- Next line

You might think that I would be happy to avoid typing the first space - but in fact any text afterwards is indented by one space forever, as you can see if you look carefully at the start of this current para. (The word wrap seems to work OK.)

Thanks. (Notice the starting space !! )

Edited: I can now see that the initial space does not show up in the actual posted post. All the new lines (= paragraphs) are fully left-justified. So I wanted to edit this post to mention that. (The instructions for reproducing the bug in CN are still valid)

But when I open this editor to edit my post, all the paragraphs starting from "Next line" are now indented by one blank space :)

Interesting bug. Now you see it - now you don't.
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Re: Unwanted initial space at start of some paragraphs

Postby gunars » Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:22 pm

If you go to the directory where CN is installed, look for the configuration file called cintanotes.settings. As a precaution, make a backup copy of this file before modifying it.

Then, find the line "editor.autoindent.enabled = 1" and change the "1" to "0" (zero) and save to turn off the auto-indenting. You can use Notepad or your favorite editor for this. When you start CN again, you should see the behavior you expect.
Posts: 49
Joined: Wed May 16, 2018 10:12 am

Re: [solved]Unwanted initial space at start of some paragraphs

Postby OldGrantonian » Wed Sep 05, 2018 5:30 pm

That worked fine. Thanks.
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Re: Unwanted initial space at start of some paragraphs

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Sep 13, 2018 5:35 am

Gunars, thanks for helping out!!

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