Display first line of text in notes list - no blank lines

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Display first line of text in notes list - no blank lines

Postby OldGrantonian » Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:08 am

On a fairly low priority basis, it would be nice if notes in the note list displayed the first line of actual text in the note.

Reason: Many of my notes are "journals" on specific subjects. So new stuff is added at the top, rather than the foot - like an email list. So, I might insert a few carriage returns at the top of the page to push the current text down. If I'm then distracted with a different task, these blank lines can remain for some time.

A second reason follows from the first reason. About 10% of my notes consist only of a 1-line title - no text. For example:

    Brazil: 5 football pitches per minute burning

So, if I see a note with one blank line (Max = 1), then I'm not sure if it's an empty note, or a note with a few blank lines at the top.

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Re: Display first line of text in notes list - no blank lines

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Sep 05, 2019 6:54 am

Hello and thanks for the suggestion!

First of all, if you set the minimum number of lines to 0, truly empty notes will stand out from the notes with empty lines.
About not displaying empty lines from the top - I'll definitely consider adding this as an option.
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Re: Display first line of text in notes list - no blank lines

Postby OldGrantonian » Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:19 am

CintaNotes Developer wrote:if you set the minimum number of lines to 0, truly empty notes will stand out from the notes with empty lines.

That works fine. Thanks.

With that option, I don't see much point in altering any functionality.

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