Modification to ""Show/Hide All"

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Modification to ""Show/Hide All"

Postby OldGrantonian » Wed Jul 28, 2021 9:48 am

The older I get, the more popups I need. If I have people sitting beside me (frequently), I use "Show/Hide All" (SHA).

The problem with SHA is that if I click on the icon to add a new note, my screen is then covered with Stickies.

- Adding a new note should not wake the SHA notes (unless of course they were due to Show at that instant).

To make this suggestion developer-friendly, here are some possible compromises:

- SHA is a fixed time - for example 1 hour. (I assume that would be a single new option in Settings.)
- If the new note's Sleep time is less than the remaining SHA time, respect that time - but don't open the SHA. Otherwise, handle that new note IAW current rules. Reason: In my case, such short-lived notes are likely to be urgent, for example: "Turn cooker to low", "Breathe in".

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Re: Modification to ""Show/Hide All"

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:34 am


I'm not sure that SHA function you're referring to.. CintaNotes doesn't have one. Could you please elaborate? Thanks!
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Re: Modification to ""Show/Hide All"

Postby OldGrantonian » Fri Jul 30, 2021 11:51 am

Sorry. I've just revealed my age :-)

This post was intended for the "Stickies" forum - another great (free) app for people who can't remember...(I've forgotten what I was going to write next).

Maybe you should simply delete this thread.

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Re: Modification to ""Show/Hide All"

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:39 am

No problem :)

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