Cannot save notes anymore - Multiple error messages

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Cannot save notes anymore - Multiple error messages

Postby Clairvaux » Sun Sep 18, 2022 9:18 pm


I'm unable to use my Cinta Notes setup anymore. Every time I try to save a new note, I get the following error message :
class db::DatabaseException
SQLite error 11:
database disk image is malformed

Clicking OK displays this other message :
Assertion failed!
File: .\ui\window.cpp
Line: 465
Expression: false
For information on how your program can cause an assertion
failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts
(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)

Clicking Retry displays another one :
Oops., something went wrong!
Please press Ctrl+C to copy the error information
and email it to so that we can fix it:
SE EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT at address 0x01314EB7 inside C:\Logiciels
portables\Cinta Notes Pro (prise de notes)\CintaNotes.exe loaded at base
address 0x00F80000

On top of this, it seems that whatever I do after trying to save, Cinta Notes quits, either immediately or after a while.

I have Cinta Notes Lifetime Pro v.3.13, portable version. Windows 7 64-bit.

What I tried : restarting the PC.

Nothing was willfully changed in my system recently.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Cannot save notes anymore - Multiple error messages

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Mon Sep 19, 2022 11:45 am


unfortunately it seems that your db file has become corrupted.
Here's what to do:
1) Exit CintaNotes
2) Rename your old database (e.g. to cintanotes0.db)
3) Start CintaNotes, it will create a new blank database
4) Import from your old (renamed) database using File/Import
5) (Optional) Delete the duplicate main section
6) WARNING: If you use Simplenote sync, there are complications: the steps above can lead to note duplication. To avoid that, instead of importing from the old DB, configure and perform sync.

Please let me know if it helps!
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Re: Cannot save notes anymore - Multiple error messages

Postby Clairvaux » Tue Sep 20, 2022 4:20 am

Hi Alex,

Thanks a lot for your prompt answer.

I'll try that, and I'll also try to restore from a backup (hopefully made before corruption occured).

I don't understand point 5 : what is the "duplicate main section" ?

Best regards,

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Re: Cannot save notes anymore - Multiple error messages

Postby Clairvaux » Tue Sep 20, 2022 6:44 am

Reporting back on the results. It seems to have worked.

I tried both methods : opening a recent backup of mine (made by Macrium Reflect, not by Cinta Notes), and renaming, then importing the corrupted database.

With both methods, I can save notes again. The rename/import method is really impressive, especially since I have more than 20 000 notes. It's easy and fast.

Now I understand what you meant by deleting the duplicate Main section. I had forgotten those were called Sections and not Tabs.

I have a few questions :

1.- What is the Import Duplicates option about ? First I imported without duplicates, then I did it all over again with duplicates. Are those duplicate notes already present within the notebook ? If so, what does Cinta Notes consider duplicates ? Must the notes be absolutely identical ? Save for the date, I suppose ?

2.- Have I now restored my database exactly as it was before ? Or are there some settings which need to be recreated, or other things potentially missing ? I used the following settings while importing :

Open as Read-Only = No
Import Sections = Yes
Import Rules = Yes
Import Duplicates = Yes
Add Tags = Nothing entered there

3.- I have now renamed my restored file, including the present date, to distinguish it from the older one. Could that create problems later ?

Thank you.

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Re: Cannot save notes anymore - Multiple error messages

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:22 am

Hi, glad that the recipe worked for you!

1. Since you had an empty notebook that you were importing into, the "allow duplicates" checkbox didn't do much.
Initially it allowed to skip notes sharing the same title and text. But then SN sync came around and rules changed.. so now only notes having the same UID were considered duplicates.
Summary: currently it is not of importance and is likely to be removed or changed.

2. Nothing comes to mind, except probably tab color setting which should be recreated manually.

3. It shouldn't.
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Re: Cannot save notes anymore - Multiple error messages

Postby Clairvaux » Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:40 am

Thank you for this information.

In fact, I did have 13 duplicates, so I chose to import them just in case. In what case do notes have the same UID ?

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Re: Cannot save notes anymore - Multiple error messages

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Sep 22, 2022 4:56 am

Notes can have same UID if it is in fact the same note - for example, you exported it and then try to re-import it.
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Re: Cannot save notes anymore - Multiple error messages

Postby Clairvaux » Thu Sep 22, 2022 6:15 am

I did not export and reimport any note, so those duplicates will remain a mystery for the time being.

Anyway, the most important thing is it's so easy and quick to repair a corrupted database.

Thank you very much for your help,

All the best,


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