[Fixed in BetaM10.4] Searching for "spaces" triggers class err::RuntimeException error

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[Fixed in BetaM10.4] Searching for "spaces" triggers class err::RuntimeException error

Postby ale » Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:15 pm

While performing a search, I accidentally inserted some consecutive space characters in the search box and this triggered the error "class err::RuntimeException", screenshot attached. If then I press Ok in the messagebox, sometimes the error goes away and interacting with the UI triggers the error again, sometimes pressing Ok is a kind of infinite loop with the error coming back indefinitely. I made some tests and tried to find a pattern to reproduce the error and I think it does not happen with stock CintaNotes settings, so I'll copy my settings with the hope it can help to find what happens. My notebook has about 600 notes and is more or less 1 MB in size.

Code: Select all

app.mainframe.alwaysontop = 0
app.mainframe.basecolor = 15751680
app.mainframe.capture.hotkey = 123
app.mainframe.capture.hotkey.modifiers = 2
app.mainframe.closetotray = 1
app.mainframe.maxdisplayednotelines = 10
app.mainframe.minimizetotray = 0
app.mainframe.noteeditdialog.placement.bottom = 763
app.mainframe.noteeditdialog.placement.left = 239
app.mainframe.noteeditdialog.placement.right = 1272
app.mainframe.noteeditdialog.placement.top = 142
app.mainframe.noteheaderfont.face = Arial
app.mainframe.noteheaderfont.italic = 0
app.mainframe.noteheaderfont.size = 8
app.mainframe.noteheaderfont.weight = 700
app.mainframe.notetextfont.face = Verdana
app.mainframe.notetextfont.italic = 0
app.mainframe.notetextfont.size = 8
app.mainframe.notetextfont.weight = 400
app.mainframe.placement.normalpos.bottom = 787
app.mainframe.placement.normalpos.left = 744
app.mainframe.placement.normalpos.right = 1435
app.mainframe.placement.normalpos.top = 117
app.mainframe.silentclipping = 0
app.mainframe.tagsidebar.visible = 1
app.mainframe.tagsidebar.width = 92
backup.daily.enabled = 1
backup.folder = backup
backup.hourly.enabled = 1
backup.weekly.enabled = 1
clipping.openeditor = 0
clipping.showuntagged = 0
hotkeys.newnote = 0
hotkeys.newnote.modifiers = 0
hotkeys.show = 123
hotkeys.show.modifiers = 3
view.reversed = 1
2009-09-29_200314.png (3.64 KiB) Viewed 5923 times
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Re: Searching for "spaces" triggers class err::RuntimeException error

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:45 am

Hi ale,

thanks a lot for your report! I've been able to reproduce the error on my notes file.
Already working on the fix.
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CintaNotes Developer
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Re: [Confirmed] Searching for "spaces" triggers class err::RuntimeException error

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:03 pm

Ok, now it's fixed in the codebase, will be included in M10.4.

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