Duplicate - [Search] Ignoring Word order in notes and miscellaneous enhancements

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Duplicate - [Search] Ignoring Word order in notes and miscellaneous enhancements

Postby marun2 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:25 pm

I take a large amount of longnotes and here's my problem or enhancement suggestion.

To duplicate my issue, create a new note and type in these words into it: "X is a small business book keeping service that does Y,Z and B at the price of $5 a month".

Now when you search for "small business book keeping" this note comes up (assuming you have selected "Everything" to be searched in the appropriate options) because the search string matches what occurs in the note (the same words in the same order)

But if you search for "book keeping small business" the note will not appear.

Usually, after taking notes, we forget the exact order of words as they appeared in the note and still expect and rely on the 'search' to get us what we want in the smallest amount of time possible.

In using internet search also, we are used to the fact that the word order of the search string doesnt matter, as long as all the typed words in the search string are appearing in an internet-shared document, the search engine will show the result, even if those words appear in a different order. Similar to the search engine functionality, can you flex the built in search engine of CN ( a very important part in the note taking app ) to ignore word order and match words in any order if they appear in a note. I assume this is not possible the easy way - like when using standard regex/pattern match/LIKE <string> operator for searching. It may involve some work to index all the words into a corpus, and treat all words like tags (so you can search for words using any order).

Also, when the matching notes appear below the search box, would it be possible to highlight the location (even in the middle of the note) where the words matched, in the search results page itself, just like a search engine highlights the matching words? (I have chosen in the options to show only 2-3 lines of the note in the search results - just the height of a standard search result from a search engine on the internet).

Also, when you open the note in the search results by double clicking on it, if it would be possible to open it at the right spot where the keywords matched, it would be great. If somehow CN could highlight those matching words in a different color even.

I believe Searching is the most important function to be enhanced and refined when aiming for the best note-taking app, which I believe is currently CN, so I hope my suggestions are taken in good spirit and I would highly like to see searching function perform to the best of what is currently possible in searching technology.

I hope this makes it into one of the future feature requests for CN.
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Re: [Search] Ignoring Word order in notes and miscellaneous

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:40 am

Thanks for the suggestion!

This has already been suggested and is registered on the roadmap as #145 (Extend search: "aaa bbb" should match "aaa something bbb") and #160 (Wildcard-based search)

Also, when the matching notes appear below the search box, would it be possible to highlight the location (even in the middle of the note) where the words matched, in the search results page itself, just like a search engine highlights the matching words? (I have chosen in the options to show only 2-3 lines of the note in the search results - just the height of a standard search result from a search engine on the internet).

This is already on the roadmap as #184 Auto-scroll long notes when searching.

Thanks anyway!

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