[Search] Memorize last Search(es)

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[Search] Memorize last Search(es)

Postby roland_cita » Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:11 am

I search often through different notes and cycle them somehow. I don't wanna tag them specially, cause these are too few items for an extra tag.

So, my request is, to memorize the last search resp. searches. My idea would be something like:

Search as a regular Text-field - same as it is currently. On the right side an additional drop-down arrow which would open a combobox with with *several* items. Clicking on one of them would put the selected item into the Textfield and this could be modified once more. For the first approach I'm thinking, that *several* is a configurable counter, e.g. 10, which would store the last 10 search-attemps. The others would be deleted. I personally wouldn't store as well the combination of specified context with the word, because this might cause confusion when the context would change as well

The feature is in my point of view a reduction to memorize, what words I searched last. The feature is e.g. in Outlook-Search.
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Re: [Search] Memorize last Search(es)

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:50 am

Hi roland_cita,
please take a look here:
http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topic/152 ... -searches/

Won't it fit the bill for you?
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Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:58 am

Re: [Search] Memorize last Search(es)

Postby roland_cita » Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:16 pm

Yes, thx :oops:

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