OK this seems to be a VERY frequent demand, so I've cooked a simple program
to do just that: iterate over a folder, read all .TXT files and create a single XML file
which is importable into CN.
You have a directory with .txt files, say it is D:\SNIPPETS.
You download the file below and unpack it into D:\, then run
txtdir2xml D:\SNIPPETS snippets.xml
If your text snippet directory contains subdirs with more .txt files, add the -r switch ("recurse").
If your text file encoding is not UTF-8 but UTF-16, then add the "-e utf-16" switch:
txtdir2xml -e utf-16 -r D:\SNIPPETS snippets.xml
After that you run CintaNotes and import the resulting XML file.
Actually the program is self-explanatory, just run txtdir2xml.exe without any arguments.
Please let me know how did the import go.