[Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

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[Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:43 pm

Hi everyone!

Oh, well, seriously, I want to confess right from the start that this release
doesn't yet include some important changes and fixes, most prominent of all
- remembering notebook sections' states.

However I decided to release this version now because it brings very important fixes
to Simplenote sync and also gets rid of the nasty issue of putting IE offline (sorry for that once again).
So this is pretty much a 2.0.1 Beta 1 with some small additional fixes and goodies.

Also want to warn that I was unfortunate enough to catch a cold, so my replies can be even
spottier than usual - please bear with this :)

Once again.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! )))

Dec 30, 2012 - Version 2.0.1

In this version:

  • Multithreaded Simplenote sync: 3-5x increased sync speed
  • Links to notes: Added "Copy Note Link" context menu item to note editor
  • Links to notes: "Create new note" from dropdown now opens the new note for editing
  • Links to notes: the initial contents of the dropdown suggestion edit is initially selected
  • Support for opening notebooks from command line
  • When clipping from a CN editor window, a cintanotes:// link to note is placed into the Link field
  • Editor: changed strikeout text shortcut to Ctrl+K
  • Periodic Simplenote sync could lead to crash
  • Simplenote sync: proper syncing of note links
  • Simplenote sync: don't put simple links in <a> tag, use URL recognition
  • Links to notes: right-click on note link behaved unintuitively
  • Links to notes: inserting timestamp into note link broke it
  • Possible crash when running from Program Files (x86)
  • Editor: Ctrl+Alt+Z and Ctrl+Shift+Z shouldn't Undo
  • Possible error on clipping (precondition violation)
  • CN could put Internet Explorer into offline mode
  • Search scope and "search inside words" were not remembered in each section
  • Tags with use count of 0 were not displayed even if marked as not autodeleted
  • Error when saving tag with forward slash as first symbol
  • Possible error on startup when there are many sections and section bar is hidden
  • Editor: "Column uid not unique" error on saving note
  • Notes list: after pasting several notes, only one of them was selected
  • Notes list: Left Click + Wheel scrolled more than page of text
  • Filter control: Ctrl+Down was not working properly

Installable: CintaNotes_2_0_1_Setup.exe
Portable: CintaNotes_2_0_1.zip
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby danielson » Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:38 pm


Wishing Cintanotes team a prosperous and happy New Year 2013!
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby cnewtonne » Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:28 pm

Hope you feel better & wish you a great new year. The world (at least mine) is a better one with CN reaching this milestone.
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby Dana » Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:52 am

Hi guys,
no problems so far, CN runs smoothly. ;)
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IE OFFLINE BUG: a sad story, a lucky ending & an important m

Postby jkoerner » Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:03 am

This must be my Lucky Day! :D

I bought & installed CintaNotes just ten days ago, so am new to it; so far I've just been "messing around" with it, to learn it, before trying to use it seriously.

Several days ago, I noticed an oddity -- IE had switched to Work Offline mode all by itself. Odd, but not a biggie. I must have closed IE shortly thereafter, or went away from the computer for a while, or to sleep, and so it wasn't until a day or so later that it occurred a second time. Hmmm... Then, I found that IE was going offline frequently, about every 20 minutes or so after I had put it back in Online mode. Now the problem is a biggie. I had no idea why this started, and did not suspect CintaNotes.

I tend to do a LOT of installing and uninstalling programs, installing updates, web browsing, downloading, and etc. -- way more than average, because I
    (a) am an old computer "geek" (33 years),
    (b) own a computer shop & services business (10 years), and
    (c) am an incurably curious person, with a Ph.D.

So, even though I'm pretty knowledgable about this stuff, it's very difficult to correlate some new weirdness with any particular software program.

Especially so when the problem is intermittent and I don't know exactly when it started to occur. IE may have not been running at all when I installed CintaNotes

One possibility was some kind of virus infection, but my systems are very well protected, so although it's possible, malware is unlikely. Several manual and online scans failed to find any.

I spent a LOT of time searching for information about "Work Offline" problems, because I need for IE to work. Though I do use Opera and Firefox, I sometimes need to use IE, and when I do, I often have 10-25 tabs open in it, so it's a real pain when IE goes offline.

I cannot simply stop using IE: there are many other programs that use IE, they assume that IE is present and can access the internet -- So, even when I'm not using IE at the moment, these other programs are causing a warning to pop up periodically in front of whatever program I'm working in (Word, Excel, whatever) -- Warning that something cannot do what it needs to do, because IE is offline. This 'switching itself offline' thing is just way too big of a problem to ignore -- something has to be done.

But my research about the problem was getting nowhere.

I had almost given up on finding a specific cause and a fix, concluding that it must be caused by some corruption in IE or Windows, so I figured I will have to at least reinstall IE, and more likely will have do some major surgical repair work, or even worse, destructive things, to my Windows installation. Damn!

But, Today was my Lucky Day... :D

I mean, Man! this must REALLY be my lucky day!!! -- It's a miracle that I happened to find the cause of the aggravating 'IE Offline' problem, just moments before I was going to begin doing some major, hugely time-consuming, and potentially hazardous operations on my computer.

Earlier today, by pure accident, I happened to cause CintaNotes to check for updates - and it found one. No biggie, I thought, probably not anything urgent. Normally, if I'm in the middle of doing other things (and usually I am), I just make a mental note to install that update (along with a batch of updates for other programs) later, at some convenient time.

But, unlike myself, for unknown reasons, by some strange quirk of fate, today I decided to go ahead and download and install it right away.

I also happened to go to the CintaNotes website (for some different reason), and once there I decided to take a quick peek at the forum: I scanned the first page of topics to see if there was anything that sounded interesting -- and I spotted one, an oddly-titled thread named:

    "my frankenperfect notes_log_diary_container"

I thought to myself "now, that sounds pretty weird", triggering my curiosity to open the message.

I quickly skimmed over it -- it seemed to be about his idea of 'the perfect information management program', not of interest to me so I was about to close it -- but then I spotted the words "ie/offline" -- so I started reading that part of the message. It made no sense at all: :? :shock:
after my recent ie/offline issue with your small trusted app, i asked advice from my computer tech friend:
> how do greyhairs deal with this madness?
they bring it to me and I install Ubuntu 11 and turn off the updates.

I don't know what Ubuntu and greyhairs have to do with CintaNotes or with ie/offline, but it prompted me to search the forum for "offline" -- it found 22 occurrences, the first one being today's announcement of the new update. That message contained the Eureka! moment that had eluded me for several days!! Oh, wow, Thank You, Lucky Stars!! I'm saved from having to do major, unpleasant things to my system!!

But... (a Big But) ...
I could easily have missed seeing it, since the mention of the IE offline issue was buried way down in the middle of the third paragraph, treated as though it was just an unimportant afterthought, like, "and, um... Oh, yeah ... by the way, in addition to the important stuff, this update also fixes this other, minor little thingie ..."
... and also gets rid of the nasty issue of putting IE offline (sorry for that once again). ...

????? -- Huh? "and also" ???

Whoa... Excuse me, but a bug causing IE to go offline 72 times a day is NOT an "and also", afterthought sort of bug. It is a Majorly Bad Bug.

And, finally... TaDa! ... here it is:
The reason I am writing this enormous message is to say that:
(a) I am pretty darned unhappy with the developer at this moment, and
(b) I strongly feel that you:

1. should have made the issue of "THE INTERNET EXPLORER 'WORK OFFLINE' BUG" prominently visible on the website and in the forum.
2. should have IMMEDIATELY emailed ALL registered customers, as soon as you became aware that CintaNotes was causing IE to switch to Work Offline, to inform them of this
3. should have removed the faulty version from the website
4. should have advised customers to uninstall that faulty version and revert back to the previous release, until you could provide a fix for the bug.
5. should have apologized to all customers for having released an update containing a major problem, vowing to do more thorough beta testing for future releases.

I say this, because your failure to do those things caused me (and many others) to:
a. suffer much aggravation from this bug for 10 days,
b. needlessly waste a LOT of time trying to figure out why the problem was occurring, and
c. very nearly begin, unnecessarily, to perform some major and potentially destructive operations on my system, in an attempt to fix the problem -- (because having failed to find the cause of the problem, and because you failed to tell me about it when you could have done so, I was left to assume that the cause was some corruption in IE or in Windows itself.).

Please -- don't do this again!!

P.S. Get well soon!
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:47 am

Hi Jon,
please accept my deepest apologies for all the aggravation the issue has caused to you.
Unfortunately I didn't realize the seriousness and all the implications of the bug.
Thanks for your advice, I'll definitely follow it asap and of course will apply in future.
Won't happen again!

Best wishes,
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby danielson » Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:22 pm

Apology accepted Alex!

I too had same frustrations.
At least two (three) positive things came out of this:
1. a reminder to always check running programs to see if they're not responsible for issues.
2. did a clean install with a nice new backup with Acronis (better than previous).
3. a reminder as i learned from Barney Miller t.v. show: "to err is human, to forgive is divine"!
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby Noddy330 » Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:41 pm

Got this after new version prompt -thanks. Nod
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby mhf » Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:43 pm

Thanks Alex and all for the continuing good work - and a Happy New Year to one and all !!!
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby jkoerner » Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:52 pm

CintaNotes Developer wrote:Hi Jon,
please accept my deepest apologies for all the aggravation the issue has caused to you.
Unfortunately I didn't realize the seriousness and all the implications of the bug.
Thanks for your advice, I'll definitely follow it asap and of course will apply in future.
Won't happen again!

Best wishes,

Thanks, I'm glad to hear that you took my message constructively and will use
this incident as a learning opportunity. An early notification about this would
have helped immensely. Since you say you'll do that next time, I accept your apology.

I just hope no other customers did something drastic, like reinstalling Windows, as I nearly did!

It'll probably never happen again, but just in case... do you have ready an email list
of all customers, so that, if necessary, you could shoot out a message to everyone
quickly? If not, it'd be a good idea to create one now and have it ready if needed.
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby danielson » Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:02 pm

To have some kind of notification system would be good.
Not sure about sending emails to registered users would be sufficient or most effective.
What about all the others who use the free version?

Besides, i never get notifications from Microsoft (or any other software company for that fact) if they have issues...

Perhaps a simple note on the index or download page with "what's new" and "known issues" would suffice?

Happy New Year!!! :)
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby ChrisCN » Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:18 pm

Thanks for this bug-fix-version and get well soon!

Not a bug but a little enhancement:
The dropdown list for the "links to notes" also contains the current note,
but if you select it, you get the message that this is not allowed (which makes sense).
It would be convenient if the current note would not appear in the dropdown.

Happy New Year
Thomas Lohrum
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby Thomas Lohrum » Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:30 pm


since the focus is set to the current note, that item must exist. It makes sense to me. Rather than removing the item, i think displaying a message is not right. When the current note becomes selected again, this is an acknowledgement. Thus no message should be shown. The (same) item must simply be accepted silently.

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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby ChrisCN » Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:10 pm

Hi Thomas
Thomas Lohrum wrote:Chris,

since the focus is set to the current note, that item must exist. It makes sense to me. Rather than removing the item, i think displaying a message is not right. When the current note becomes selected again, this is an acknowledgement. Thus no message should be shown. The (same) item must simply be accepted silently.


Sorry don't get the point (or maybe I expressed myself unclearly)...
Is it allowed to link within a note to the same note (to itself)?
If no -> why should the note appear in the dropdown list?
If yes -> no action needed at all (but why should this be useful)?

Thomas Lohrum
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby Thomas Lohrum » Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:45 pm

ChrisCN wrote:Sorry don't get the point (or maybe I expressed myself unclearly)...
Is it allowed to link within a note to the same note (to itself)?
If no -> why should the note appear in the dropdown list?
If yes -> no action needed at all (but why should this be useful)?

Sorry. My fault. That was a missunderstanding. You're correct.
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby ernest33 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:05 am

Could you add proxy with authentification in CintaNotes ?

Happy new Year :mrgreen:
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby xdata » Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:10 am

2.0.1 Final
mouse-wheel scrolling for tag list was broken.

just downgraded to 2.0.1 beta ..
that's a MAJOR BUG for me..

bug report post:
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby ChrisCN » Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:56 pm

Not sure if I found something or whether this only exists in my imagination!?

In general I use the sorting method "manual" because I can move important notes to the top.
The question is: what CN does with those notes that have not been moved explicitly by me?
I think in previous versions, CN placed the newest notes on top of the list (not sure if it used "created" or "modified").

And now I think this behaviour has changed: If I am in manual sorting mode
-> CN seems to place the oldest notes on top (for those note that haven't been placed explicitly by me)?

I did a test with some new entries and everything seems ok.
sorting= manual, reverse order -> the newest is on top
But for my old entries (migrated from 1.8.5 via XML import)
sorting= manual, reverse order -> the oldest is on top

You can see the problem here:
CintaNotes Personal Notes M...000.png
CintaNotes Personal Notes M...000.png (20.43 KiB) Viewed 20439 times

"neuer eintrag 5" was the last one that I have created today without moving it to a different position
"neuer eintrag 1" to "neuer eintrag 3" was forced to this position
"test" is one of the notes that got migrated -> from that point on the order of the list changes (oldest note "test" comes previous to "test offen 1")

so there are at least 3 notes that got no manual position: "neuer eintrag 5", "test" and "test offen 1"
but the sorting order is strange!?

My test is not without doubt because I can't tell for sure which old (migrated) notes got a manual position
(e.g. I am not sure if 'test" or 'test offen 1' really never got a manual position).
But there is strong evidence that something has changed because all my old 'lists' now have the wrong sorting!?

=> Is this some migration problem? Something with the dates?
Has someone else noticed this?

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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby Noddy330 » Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:32 pm

ChrisCN, FWIW,
I too used to sort manually moving important stuff to the top.
But I had a desire for something automatic also.
Currently I sort by title and precede my important notes by #, further ordered by ##, #1, #2, etc.
When a note is no longer important I remove the #.
Of course, your mileage may vary.
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Re: [Ann] CintaNotes 2.0.1 Final

Postby ChrisCN » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:20 pm

Noddy330 wrote:Currently I sort by title and precede my important notes by #, further ordered by ##, #1, #2, etc.
Thanks for the hint.
At the moment it is more important to me to easily spot which type of note it is.
So unless we get the colored tags (http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topic/143572-colored-tags/) I precede my notes with e.g. (*) for tasks that are open (x) for finished tasks [log] for infos and so on. After that, I may consider your suggestion ;) until we get this feature http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topic/103126-tag-based-automatic-sorting-instead-of-priorities/.

Thanks again

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