Bug report and a feature request

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Joined: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:51 pm

Bug report and a feature request

Postby eiphinia » Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:00 pm

This is really a great soft!:D So I swept all other note soft out, when I start using it.

--URL retrieval Feature doesn't work on the version "Portable version (410 Kb)"on the homepage
But it works on the fix version

Feature Requests:
--Another hot key
Some times I just want to call it on, and focus cursor on search box. Not every times Clip: ).

--Background Color
Some people like Dark Background, like me...

--Import from the Exported XML file.
To restore notes from other computer.

--Synchronize data between two computers.
I think it's a difficult Feature...

I believe CintaNotes will be better and better, more powerful., But never so heavy.(Like evernote, It's really powerful but too heavy.)
I Wish it to be a lightweight soft not a full function note. If the Feature Requested conflicts performance, I want choose performance:D.

Thanks for this nice work!

I'm sorry I didn't see the poll 'Feature Requests' below a moment ago ... Orz
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Re: Bug Report and a Feature Requests

Postby CintaNotes Developer » Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:34 pm

eiphinia wrote:This is really a great soft!:D So I swept all other note soft out, when I start using it.
Thanks, great to hear that)
eiphinia wrote:--URL retrieval Feature doesn't work on the version "Portable version (410 Kb)"on the homepage
But it works on the fix version

Well, then the problem is fixed, and the BetaM6 version is on the way.
eiphinia wrote:--Another hot key
Some times I just want to call it on, and focus cursor on search box. Not every times Clip: ).

Yes, will be there soon.

eiphinia wrote:-Background Color. Some people like Dark Background, like me...

Ok, duly noted) I'll offer more color customization options in the next versions.

eiphinia wrote:--Import from the Exported XML file.
To restore notes from other computer.

Yes, this is on the roadmap.

eiphinia wrote:--Synchronize data between two computers. I think it's a difficult Feature...

Well, I think all what's needed is to implement the notebook import feature with automatic ignoring of duplicates.

eiphinia wrote:I believe CintaNotes will be better and better, more powerful., But never so heavy.(Like evernote, It's really powerful but too heavy.)

This is my take on that too. CN will not be able to compete with EverNote and the likes, it will take the niche for lightweight, fast and convenient notetaking apps;)

eiphinia wrote:I Wish it to be a lightweight soft not a full function note. If the Feature Requested conflicts performance, I want choose performance:D.
Don't worry, you won't have to pay for features that you are not using.

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