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SE EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at address 0x005FACAA inside C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Date\Eigene Dateien\Dropbox\CN30\CintaNotes.exe loaded at base address 0x00400000
Invalid operation: read at address 0xdb330011
Actually some time ago I had something similar, I moved notes from, and deleted, a section, and CN would hang. These were a few thousand recipes, that I figured must take some time (because of their size), but were not worth the wait, so I just killed CN after a minute, and restarted.
After I restarted CN (both cases) the notes were moved fine, but the (empty) section still existed. And I could delete that section just fine. (And of course trying to make it crash again won't work :-p)
I suppose you can't make anything of this, with these scanty details, but just in case hereby reported.
edit: I forgot to mention this time it was just a dozen notes or so, not that much like the first time.